06 05 2020
Visit our new Harlequin Europe online shop
You can now buy our Dance Mats, Tap and Turn Boards and cleaning products online
24 04 2020
Sophie Jung's They Might Stay the Night exhibition on Harlequin Hi-Shine
The Casino Luxembourg forum for contemporary art makes use of our mirror effect vinyl floor
20 04 2020
Harlequin founder Bob Dagger turns 80 today
We have a reason to be joyful as we celebrate his milestone birthday
18 03 2020
Harlequin Floors continues world class service
During this period of uncertainty, the Harlequin team has developed a contingency plan to ensure that our business continues to offer world class service
12 03 2020
Prolight + Sound and USITT without Harlequin
Harlequin withdraws from exhibiting at Prolight + Sound in Frankfurt and USITT in Houston, Texas
12 03 2020
Harlequin Cascade for Joburg Ballet
Harlequin's global reach now extends to South Africa as Joburg Ballet move to a new Harlequin vinyl performance floor
07 03 2020
Perform Ireland 2020
Harlequin were proud floor partners for the performing arts exhibition
03 03 2020
Effective Harlequin Hi-Shine on stage in Frankfurt
The English Theatre Frankfurt stages "The Effect" on our white, high gloss vinyl
28 02 2020
"Remains in Development" exhibition in Antwerp
Felicity Hammond's art installation uses Harlequin Duo vinyl to showcase the pleasant façade of our gentrified world
25 02 2020
Carnival of the Animals on printed Harlequin Studio
Skånes Dansteater's take on Camille Saint-Saëns' classic suite